
Monday, October 10, 2011

Tikona wifi with samsung galaxy tab

To connect to tikona wifi on your samsung galaxy tab, follow the below steps:
  1.  Find Settings and locate "wireless and network"
  2. Switch on wifi and go to wifi settings
  3. Click "Add wifi network"
  4. You will be presented with a form. Put tikonawifi in SSID textbox
  5. From Security options, select 802.1x enterprise
  6. Select TTLS as the EAP method
  7. For Phase2 Authentication, select MSCHAPv2
  8. Identity: put your tikona user id
  9. Password: Put your tikona password
  10. All other details leave blank 
  11. Click Save and connect to the network
  12. Now go to browser and open a web page
  13. You will be rediected to tikona login page
  14. Login using your tikona id and password
  15. You are ready to go :)
I followed the above steps and it worked for me. Hope this post will be helpful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Can't view contents in .chm files?

I downloaded "mysql .chm" help manual from a site and was not able to see the contents. It kept saying "address is not valid" in the right panel.

The solution to this is very simple.
  1. Close the .chm file
  2. Right click the icon and click on properties
  3. Click on Unblock
  4. Click on Apply and Save
  5. Now double click the .chm file and you will be able to see the contents.
This worked for me and I hope it will work for you as well :)