
Monday, October 10, 2011

Tikona wifi with samsung galaxy tab

To connect to tikona wifi on your samsung galaxy tab, follow the below steps:
  1.  Find Settings and locate "wireless and network"
  2. Switch on wifi and go to wifi settings
  3. Click "Add wifi network"
  4. You will be presented with a form. Put tikonawifi in SSID textbox
  5. From Security options, select 802.1x enterprise
  6. Select TTLS as the EAP method
  7. For Phase2 Authentication, select MSCHAPv2
  8. Identity: put your tikona user id
  9. Password: Put your tikona password
  10. All other details leave blank 
  11. Click Save and connect to the network
  12. Now go to browser and open a web page
  13. You will be rediected to tikona login page
  14. Login using your tikona id and password
  15. You are ready to go :)
I followed the above steps and it worked for me. Hope this post will be helpful.